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Writer's pictureMartha Horrocks

Top 9 Posts of 2021

It's hard to believe that it's almost 2022!

Here's a look back at some of the 10 most popular posts and their captions in 2021.

This is one of my most favorite posts from the year. "Expert" and "specialist" are big terms and I think it's important to acknowledge that I don't meet the criteria for either for stuttering. I'm neither a person who stutters, nor am I a Board Certified Specialist in Fluency or a person who has dedicated their life's research to stuttering!

This one kind of cracks me up - no one had heard of SLP Day until about two years ago. This year, I remembered to post about it! Happy SLP Day to us!

Fascinating research presented by Kurt Eggers at a learning session with the Stuttering Foundation. I think the biggest takeaway for me is that we have to consider emotional and self-regulation as part of our therapy approach when working with children who stutter!

YES. I love that this post made the top list. Girls and women often do not get the support and acknowledgement they need in the stuttering community. This population has been under-researched and under-represented in research. Goals for 2022!

Love that this one made the list, too. In this post, I make some recommendations for SLPs supporting children who stutter at Thanksgiving and for adults who stutter. The holidays in 2021 were challenging with the pandemic and hopefully these insights were helpful!

In celebration of World Mental Health Day, I shared some information about stuttering and mental health. It's a hard post to read, but it's so important. The World Health Organization also shared wonderful resources for World Mental Health Day - check out their website here!

This is my most favorite graphic I have ever made. I think it perfectly sums up the shifts we, as SLPs and community-members, need to make to support people who stutter. I'm so happy it made it in the top 9!

The happiest day of the year! This year, ISAD was a huge success. Lots of great posts to read on the ISAD websites, awareness being shared in various communities, and a lot of stuttering pride. It was great! Looking forward to an even bigger ISAD in 2022!

Probably the sassiest post I've ever done, created in response to some posts that I had seen praising our new President for being fluent in his speeches. This post is truly not political - it just underscores that "disfluencies" are just the way some people talk, including Presidents. I think some orders of business for our President Biden in his coming time in office should include embracing his verbal diversity (instead of promoting the language around overcoming it).

Looking forward to sharing new resources and information on social media with you in 2022! Thanks for following.

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